Monday, May 3, 2010

What I've Been Doing...

Enough about the silly house Mom and Dad.  The folks want to see more of me.  Can you blame them?  Let's tell them about some of the different types of fun we've had lately.

 Super Fun - Test driving mowers at Sears:

Not So Fun - Going to Lowes (again):

Silly Fun - Checking out a new toy:

Contemplative Fun - Pondering my future (Oh the Places I'll Go!):

Inspection Fun - Checking on the new digs with Mommy and Daddy:

Future Fun - All the great times to be had in our new house:

I hope you had fun reading all about me!   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eden is so stinkin' cute you guys! Can't wait to see her again in person!