Then little girls bring in the football players!
So the Mock's and the Olson's were at lunch after church today at the McAlisters Deli over by Notre Dame when I noticed someone I recognized walk past. Then I got a look from Jesse that said he recognized someone too. In the booth right behind us sat down Tommy Rees, Dayne Crist, and Mike Golic Jr.
We were all done with our meal when Eden (who had been sitting between Mommy and Daddy) stood up in the booth, turned around, and stuck her little head between the shoulders of Tommy and Mike and said "Go Irish!"
It was the cutest thing ever. Golic Jr. turned around and said "yeah, go Irish." She then high fived and gave knuckles to the guys (while continuing to say "Go Irish") when they offered to take a picture with all of us. Uncle Jesse couldn't bring himself to be in the photo, but Aunt Elyse did.
Great guys who were very nice to Eden and us as well.
Glad Eve chose McAlisters for lunch today!